Error at startup - External Tool Failure

2 min. readlast update: 03.26.2024

In this article, which will be updated continuously,  common warnings which appear when starting Revit with Naviate Bimfire and solutions will be documented.


  1. System.AggregateException

    This will appear when both Bimfire Tools (BFT) and Naviate Bimfire are installed on the computer. 
    1. First check installed apps on the computer:
    2. If Bimfire Tools (BFT) doesn't exist in the installed app, make sure that it was uninstalled successfully. Go to
      • C:\Program Files\BIMFIRE
      • C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\202X
    3. Start by cut/paste them from the paths to i.e. the desktop, restart Revit and check if it works. If it does, delete the files / folders from the desktop.
  2. System.UnauthorizedAccessException

    This can appear if the user is not an admin on their computer. In the 2024.3.1 / 2023.3.1 releases there was a bug that a .json file required admin access to change an URL.
    1. Either run Revit as an administrator:
    2. Go to "C:\ProgramData\Symetri\Naviate\Revit 2023\Shared\Ini" and right click on URLs.json
    3. Show more properties, and properties. Edit the permission on the user (Admin must do it).
    4. Restart Revit, this has to be done once and it will work perfectly fine after.
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