Naviate for Revit content can either be located on local hard drive or on a network share. The default, and recommended location is on local disk. If you would like to use a network share instead, follow the steps below:
- Set up the network share and make sure it is accessible on all computers/accounts that are going to use it
- Run one manual install of each of the Naviate for Revit products you are setting up, to act as "master installs", and use the default local location for all content.
- Make sure to select all country-specific content you need for each Naviate for Revit vertical - this might involve using the Custom Setup in the install dialogs
It is strongly recommended to keep the master installs for future updates of the content. It might also be a good idea to let the automatic update functionality (controlled by the command line UPDATEMODE parameter) stay on at all times, to eliminate the need for manual download of updates. Syncing between the content of the master installs and the network share can be accomplished with copy/sync tools like Robocopy and the Windows Scheduler.
- Copy the content installed locally on your master install(s) to your network share. You find the local folder structure under C:\ProgramData\Symetri\Naviate\Revit 2018\<Naviate vertical>\....
- The content is now set up for shared use
- When running installations on the individual computers sharing the content, specify the network share for content in the Destination Folders dialog, for instance\\AECSHARE\Revit2018\Naviate A\Content A or P:\Revit2018\Naviate A\Content. The installation program will detect the network share location and skip the file copy part of the content setup.