In the Naviate Bimfire template, a 3D view is preset which can be used to export IFCs.
- Before exporting, turn off linked model in the view. This is not necessary for the export but it will give a clearer view of what the export will look like.
- Control what will be exported via the model category tab.
- Go to export IFC
- Go to Modify setup ...
- Create a new setup. Read the BIM execution plan on which Coordination system to be used and which IFC version. If nothing is mentioned, use Coordination Base: Project Base Point and IFC 2x3.
- In Addition Content, select Export only elements visible in view, and export spaces. This gives the user control over which objects should be exported.
- Naviate Bimfire recommend exploring using user defined property set, adapt the file if it is required in the BIM execution plan.
- Choose which location and file name to save the file, recommended to save it in an export folder with the dates in its name in the project model folder.