How to get started as a user

1 min. readlast update: 06.13.2024

Symetri e-learning supports all users to learn new functions at their own pace and thus increase productivity as well performance. In Naviate for Revit you will have direct access to these resources and our own support chat.

Note: For Naviate 2022 and older versions!

Step-by-step to get started

Verification email

  • Your account manager in your company will set up users in Pinnacle (usually the CAD manager, the IT manager or similar).
  • Search for the email from with the topic Welcome to Pinnacle Lite. Please have a look in your spam filter too.Can't find it? Ask your account manager to resend the verification email

Create your user account

  • Follow the link in the verification email and follow the steps to create your user
  • The first time you log in you can set your preferred platform language. We recommend English as language, since Pinnacle don't have full support of local languages yet. 
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