When starting a Naviate command, the license dialog comes up which states that "You are offline". If you run a Naviate Subassembly, then the error might present as "Naviate XX License Rejected - RTLM Result is 'failed" on the command line. If you take a Naviate command from the Ribbon/Tool Palette, then the License Information dialog comes up.
To solve this issue, please download and install the hotfix found here: NVC3DLicenseUrlFix.exe
Close down Naviate before running the hotfix.
If you are responsible for the IT-systems and need to push this hotfix out to your user, you can use the parameter '-s' to run this hotfix silently (without user interaction).
This issue is caused by an incompatible website for the license check. This can be solved manually by navigating to the folder: C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Local\Symetri\NVC3D
Open the file NvLicensing.ini and replace the OnlineURL to the following:
Save the file and then start Naviate again.