Naviate Discover - Create Views

3 min. readlast update: 01.30.2025

In this article you can find:

  • Create Views video
  • About Create Views
  • Workflow
  • How to use Create Views

Create Views

To see this feature in action check out the video below!

About this feature:

Create Views tool allows you to create multiple level-based views based by view type. This will either create independent views or parent views with dependent views based on scope boxes.

This function creates views for selected Levels and Scope Boxes. Specify how many different views you want to create and define what view template they should use and if they should be created as dependent views or not.


  1. Run command Create Views
  2. Select/de-select levels to create views for
  3. Select which view types to create views for
  4. Select template for each view type or specify to use the default depend template of the view type
  5. If you want to also create dependent views, select scope boxes to create dependent views for

How to use Create Views

The configuration dialog box is divided into three sections.

Starting from the left, where you define from which levels to create plans from simply by checking the desired Levels. In the bottom left corner you have the option to Copy field Regions from the Active View and/or hide them in the views which will be created.

The middle section is where you define the types of plans to create. The available options are Floor, Ceiling, Structural Plans and different types of Area plans. In order for certain Area plans to appear in dialog box, you need to have at least one view created for that Area plan. For chosen Plan Types define their View Template and make them dependent if needed.

At the bottom of the section there is a option to set the settings for the above rows more faster by assigning the common configuration for all checked rows just in few clicks.

The right section identifies all Scope Boxes present in the Project and gives the option to create dependent views from them.

When creating dependent views, if scope box names contain some of the these specific characters  { } : \ | [ ] ; < > ? ' ~ , then these characters will be replaced with " _" in a dependent view names. When running the function again, already existing dependent views won't be updated or deleted; instead, new views will be created underneath the same active Plan View with a suffix "(n)".

User will be informed (will get a message) about this - that some views got a slightly different name due to "not allowed characters".

After setting the desired configurations just click "Create Views" and a report dialog will appear informing you how many views have been created.


➡️ Download the full Naviate Discover help document here.

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