Setup for Naviate Network license ( 2021 and older )

3 min. readlast update: 11.06.2023

For Revit 2022 and 2023 you only need to add users and add products to these users in the Naviate license portal and then the end users need to sign into Naviate the first time they start the product. Just like single sign on for Autodesk products. 

 For Naviate version 2021 and older you need to set up a Naviate license server.  

Download the newest LMTools 11.18 form this link: and read this description: 

  1.  Install the newest LMTools 11.18 from the above link in the default folder C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager 
  2. Download Naviate CADQ vendor deamon from here. -> Network licence server files (2021 and older) 
  3. Unpack the CADQ Vendor Deamon in a sub-folder like C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\Naviate 
  4. Make a Naviate license File using the MAC adress found in LMTools -> System settings -> Ethernet (or send this to Symetri. Then we can create a Naviate license file for you).
  5. Save the Naviate license file on the license server, e.g. in C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\Naviate\License 
  6. Go to the tab "Config sevices"
  • Start LMTools and choose the tab “Config services”. Create a Naviate services like “Naviate”.  
  •  Use the first Browse button to select the LMgrd.exe file from the above folder C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\Naviate. Use the middle Browse button to select the new Naviate license file from a folder like C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\Naviate\License. Use the last Browse button to create and select a log file from a folder like C:\Autodesk\Network LIcense Manager\Naviate\Log
  •  Choose “Save”.  

    7. Go to the tab “Start/Stop/Reread”.

  •  Stop the service. Wait 5 seconds. 
  • Start the service. Wait 5 seconds. 
  • Reread the license file. Wait 20 seconds.  

           8. Go to the tab “Server Status”.    

     “Perform Status Enquiry” and check if the new license file is read and that Naviate licenses are available. 

     The TCP ports in the Naviate license file, typically 27010 and 2093, has to be open IN and OUT in the Firewall on the license server. and client PC, VPN Tunnel or hardware firewall in between. 

Note: Remember to add the port 2093 during installation of Naviate. Licenserver: 2093@servername

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